Xbox 360 500GB

$249.99 17% Off $299.99

Xbox 360 500GB - Popular video game console with custom IBM PowerPC processor and custom ATI graphics processor for fast and responsive gameplay.

  • Category: Play Station
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The Xbox 360 is a popular video game console that offers a huge library of games, stunning graphics, and a great user interface. It features a custom IBM PowerPC processor and a custom ATI graphics processor for fast and responsive gameplay. The console comes with a wireless controller that offers precise control and intuitive features. It also supports 1080p gaming and is backwards compatible with some original Xbox games. The Xbox 360 500GB model provides ample storage space for downloading games, movies, music, and more. The Xbox 360 is the perfect choice for gamers who want a reliable and powerful console that can handle a variety of games.

  • Origin: United States

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