Vidiem 600W Smart Electric Kettle - Quick Heating, Safety Features, Ergonomic Design for Hot Beverages


Vidiem 600W Smart Electric Kettle for quick heating. Features auto shut-off, boil-dry protection, ergonomic design, and cordless base. Ideal for tea, coffee, and more.

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Introducing the Vidiem 600W Smart Electric Kettle, a modern solution for your hot beverage needs. This 600-watt kettle is designed for quick and efficient heating, perfect for making tea, coffee, or instant soups. Its smart features include automatic shut-off and boil-dry protection for safety and energy efficiency. The ergonomic design ensures easy pouring and handling, while the cordless base adds convenience. The kettle's sleek exterior complements any kitchen décor. Its capacity is ideal for small to medium-sized households. Whether you're a busy professional or a tea enthusiast, the Vidiem Smart Electric Kettle is an essential kitchen appliance for quick, convenient hot drinks.

  • Origin: India

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