KEN DLX Dishwasher - Advanced Cleaning with Multiple Wash Programs, Energy Efficient, Spacious and Quiet


The KEN DLX Dishwasher offers advanced washing with multiple programs, energy efficiency, and a spacious interior. Perfect for effortless, eco-friendly cleaning.

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Introducing the KEN DLX Dishwasher, a blend of efficiency and sophistication for your kitchen. This advanced appliance is designed to make dishwashing effortless and more effective. It features multiple wash programs tailored for different types of dishes and soiling levels, ensuring spotless results. The energy-efficient design saves on water and electricity, making it environmentally friendly. Its spacious interior accommodates a large number of dishes, perfect for families or entertaining. The intuitive controls and LED display offer ease of use. The KEN DLX Dishwasher operates quietly, seamlessly integrating into your daily routine without disruption.

  • Origin: India

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