3-Piece Black & White Marble Finish Flora Candle Set – Elegant Paraffin Wax Candles For Stylish Decor

$9.00 10% Off $10.00

Discover elegance with our Black & White Marble Finish Flora Design Candle Set, made from paraffin wax. Perfect for creating a sophisticated and serene atmosphere.

  • Category: Flower Vase
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Elevate your home's ambiance with our 3-Piece Black & White Marble Finish Flora Design Candle Set. Crafted from premium paraffin wax, each candle showcases an elegant marble finish with intricate flora designs, blending artistic charm with contemporary style. These black and white candles not only provide a sophisticated focal point but also emit a warm, inviting glow. Perfect for setting a serene mood in any space, their unique design and high-quality wax ensure a long-lasting and pleasant experience.

  • Origin: India

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