Titanfall 2 - PlayStation 4

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Titanfall 2 - PlayStation 4 - First-person shooter game with a single-player campaign mode, a multiplayer mode, new Titans with unique abilities, and a parkour-inspired movement system.

  • Category: Xbox Games
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Titanfall 2 is a first-person shooter game that was released for the PlayStation 4 console. The game features a single-player campaign mode, as well as a multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other in various game modes. The game introduces new Titans with unique abilities, and players can customize their Titans with different loadouts and cosmetic options. The game also features a parkour-inspired movement system that allows players to run on walls, slide, and jump with fluidity. Titanfall 2 is a must-play game for any PlayStation 4 owner and is considered one of the best games of the console.

  • Origin: United States

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