iPhone 8 Plus

$649.99 7% Off $699.99

iPhone 8 Plus - Smartphone from Apple with a 5.5-inch Retina HD display, a 12-megapixel dual-lens camera system, and wireless charging capabilities.

  • Category: Mobile Phone
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The iPhone 8 Plus is a smartphone from Apple that was released in 2017. It features a 5.5-inch Retina HD display, a 12-megapixel dual-lens camera system, and wireless charging capabilities. The iPhone 8 Plus is powered by Apple's A11 Bionic chip, which provides fast performance and smooth multitasking. It also includes Touch ID for secure authentication and Apple Pay for easy mobile payments. The iPhone 8 Plus is available in three colors: gold, silver, and space gray, and is a great choice for anyone looking for a high-quality smartphone with advanced features.

  • Origin: United States

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