Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII - Xbox One

$39.99 20% Off $49.99

Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII - Xbox One - First-person shooter game with a multiplayer mode, a Zombies mode, and a new Battle Royale mode called Blackout.

  • Category: Xbox Games
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Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII is a first-person shooter game that was released for the Xbox One console. The game features a multiplayer mode, a Zombies mode, and a new Battle Royale mode called Blackout. The multiplayer mode includes new weapons, gear, and specialists with unique abilities, while the Zombies mode introduces new storylines and characters. The Blackout mode features a map that is 1,500 times larger than previous Call of Duty maps, and players can use vehicles and helicopters to traverse it. Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII is a must-play game for any Xbox One owner and is considered one of the best games of the console.

  • Origin: United States

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