Final Fantasy VII Remake - PlayStation

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Final Fantasy VII Remake - PlayStation - Role-playing game with improved graphics, gameplay, and storytelling, featuring an action-packed combat system and memorable characters.

  • Category: Play Station Games
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Final Fantasy VII Remake is a role-playing game that was released for the PlayStation console. The game is a reimagining of the classic 1997 game of the same name, with improved graphics, gameplay, and storytelling. The game follows the story of Cloud Strife, a former soldier who joins the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE as they battle against the Shinra Electric Power Company, a megacorporation that is draining the life energy of the planet. The game features an action-packed combat system, memorable characters, and a captivating story that will keep players engaged for hours. Final Fantasy VII Remake is a must-play game for any PlayStation owner and is considered one of the best games of 2020.

  • Origin: United States

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